Air strike beta test

Long time, no write! So things have been crazy with the 2nd kid and gaming time has been diverted to an Aristeia league and an Infinity campaign recently but I'm back on the planes for a while. For those of you in the know, Air Strike! is an upcoming expansion for Blood Red Skies, focussing on ground attack. Andy Chambers and Ken Natt on the Ready room have put out a chunk of the new stuff in beta form to whet a few whistles. My local opponent John came over for a test-game and we rocked a brits vs germans early-ish war naval attack. Brits deploy 18" away; mossies to left, hurris to centre and left As there are no scenarios or guidelines for force composition so far, we eyeballed it a bit based on engine numbers and my previous experience with homebrewing it. The attacking force were the germans, rocking x6 Stuka divebombers (R3 pilots) and escorted by 3 durable 110c's with R3 and R4 pilots. They deployed 18" away from the targets, giving them a couple of tur...