Converting 3rd party or improving metal planes to BRS stands

So after a brief hiatus for christmas and other game systems (Infinity and Cruel Seas) the time has come to get back to doing my BRS backlog! I recently got a haul of plastic (resin) crack from the US (armaments in miniature) to add to my growing pile of to-assemble so I thought I'd make a start on it. I got x3 of the Ki48 for my Japanese, stopping them from being too reliant on the four engine H8K's I've got which are a bit unwieldy in smaller games. I also got x6 p38's which don't have a beta card as yet though Ken Natt and Andy Chambers are testing the p38E with the following: USA P-38 E Lightning 1941, Speed 8 (395mph) Agility 2, Firepower 2, Multi engine (2), Tight Turn, Heavy Hitter, Agile, 60 points A few chaps asked me about the build/conversion process for the AiM planes so here we go: Step 1) Small cross-headed screwdriver Remove the screw. On a lot of the AiM planes, the resin around the screw usually comes off clean with it. Light pressure wit...